コード WL40-01
系列 英語英文学専攻(修士課程)
授業科目 17世紀英米文学竞彩篮球推荐Ⅰ-1
副題 (Reading The Merchant of Venice1)
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金3
対象学年 学部4年生も可

 Acquiring indepth knowledge of the primary material. Identifying research objectives, methods and kinds of evidence necessary in the writing of an academic paper. Acquiring the ability to select and utilize relevant secondary material.
 This is an intensive course on Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. We will read the play closely, while attending to current scholarship on the play. The students' interests will be taken into consideration in selecting material. The course will emphasise the importance of subjecting primary and secondary sources to rigorous critical analysis.
 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice. Ed. John Drakakis (Arden 3, 2011).
 John Gross, Shylock (Vintage, 1994). Martin Coyle, ed. The Merchant of Venice (New Casbooks, St Martin's P., 1998).Jay L. Halio, ed. The Merchant of Venice (Oxford, 1998), M. M. Mahood, ed., The Merchant of Venice (Cambridge, 1987). Other material will be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class. Preparation for presentations. Preliminary reading.
 class participation and end of term paper
1.Compiling a Working Bibliography
2.Reading The Merchant of Venice 1
3.Reading The Merchant of Venice 2
4.Reading The Merchant of Venice 3
5.Reading The Merchant of Venice 4
6.Reading The Merchant of Venice 5
7.Reading The Merchant of Venice 6
8.Reading The Merchant of Venice 7
9.Reading The Merchant of Venice 8
10.Shakespeare and Semetism 1
11.Shakespeare and Semetism 2
12.Sources and Analogues 1
13.Sources and Analogues 2
14.The Myth of Venice 1
15.The Myth of Venice 2

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