By the end of the course, students should 1.understand processes of second language learning such as input, output, and interaction, 2. understand how the teaching approach known as “focus on form", and 3. be able to design original activities to teach grammar and communication through “focus on form”.
This course introduces students to the currently popular approach to teaching English known as focus on form. The course is both theoretical and practical. Students will learn about the cognitive processes involved in learning a second language and will also gain experience in designing their own original classroom activities.
Brown, Douglas H. "Principles of language learning and teaching." Pearson Longman.
Complete the assigned readings before class, complete your assignments on time, and participate actively in class.
Attendance, assignments, quizzes, and participation in class
1.The process of second language learning 2.Communicative approaches to second language learning 3.Why is input important? 4.Input in the second language classroom 5.Why is interaction important? 6.Interaction in the second language classroom 7.Why is output important? 8.Output in the second language classroom 9.What is focus on form? 10.Focus on form in the classroom 11.Classroom activities for focus on form 12.Using authentic materials for focus on form 13.Designing your own focus on form activities 14.Presentation of original activities 15.Presentation of original activities
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