コード WL45-01
系列 英語英文学専攻(修士課程)
授業科目 20世紀英米文学竞彩篮球推荐Ⅱ-2
副題 (Barth, Nabokov and Postmodern Fiction--(2)Nabokov's Postmodernity)
担当者 三浦 笙子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水5
対象学年 学部4年生も可

 We will read works by Vladimir Nabokov and compare them with John Barth's works read during the first semester in order to define postmodernist elements in Nabokov's fiction.
 Lectures will be followed by presentations by each student and discussions in each class. Each student will choose a novel by Nabokov and give a presentation on its postmodernist elements. A paper will be required at the end of the course.
 Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory, "The Assistant Producer," "Signs and Symbols," "The Vane Sisters "
 To be announced as the content of the lectures demands.
 The class will be conducted mostly in English. Active participation in discussions is encouraged.
 Evaluation will be based on the quality of the student's presentation, participation in discussions and paper.
1.Introductory lecture
2.Presentation and discussion on Speak, Memory
3.Presentation and discussion on Speak, Memory
4.Presentation and discussion on Speak, Memory
5.Presentation and discussion on Speak, Memory
6.Presentation and discussion on "The Assistant Producer"
7.Presentation and discussion on "The Assistant Producer"
8.Presentation and discussion on "The Assistant Producer"
9.Presentation and discussion on "Signs and Symbols"
10.Presentation and discussion on "Signs and Symbols"
11.Presentation and discussion on "Signs and Symbols"
12.Presentation and discussion on "The Vane Sisters "
13.Presentation and discussion on "The Vane Sisters "
14.Presentation and discussion on "The Vane Sisters "
15.Paper due

Copyrights 2009 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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